Hi, my name is

Murali Ramu.

I enjoy learning about new topics, driving cars, and exploring new locations. I also write a few verses in Kannada once in a while.

I created this website to share my insights and experiences related to the above. Contact me at any time to discuss anything and everything in this world. Even if I don’t know much about the subject, I’ll still put in my efforts to contribute.

About Me

I currently work as an Analog Design Engineer at Onsemi. I have a background in Electronics, Communication and VLSI, and I have a strong interest in building applications and new circuits to achieve the same.


Analog Design Engineer - Onsemi
February 2024 - Present
Applications Engineer - Infineon Technologies
January 2019 - February 2024
  • I was responsible for helping customers get their wifi radios ready before they go into regulatory testing.
  • I also did schematic reviews and helped customers with a few hardware queries.
  • I extensively worked on the company’s embedded Wi-Fi portfolio and I worked on WICED and ModusToolBox when I was exposed to a few technologies like ThreadX, FreeRTOS, LwIP, NetX, and Makefiles.
  • I also worked on developing projects showcasing Infineon’s products and developed a few Code examples.
  • I also worked on automating Infineon’s regulatory flow which reduced the turnaround time from a few weeks to a few hours.
  • I did a few community trainings. Two of them are linked here. one two


2020 - 2023
Master of Technology in Integrated Circuits and Systems
Indian Institute of Technology - Madras
GPA: 8.08 out of 10.0

This is a 3 year Industrial M.Tech program offered by IIT-Madras. I completed the below as part of the coursework.

  • Implemented timing-driven performance optimization for an internal project: SoC Planning and Prototyping. This was my master’s project.
  • Design and implementation of
    • 8*8 signed multiplier, schematic and layout as part of the course, Digital IC Design.
    • 5GBps Clock and Data Recovery circuit as part of a course, VLSI and Broadband Communication Circuits.
  • PPA (Power Performance and Area) optimsations.
  • CNN, RNN, Autoencoders, GAN as part of Deeplearning for Imaging.
  • Semiconductor Device Modeling.
2015 - 2019
Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics and Communication
JSS Science and Technology University (Formerly SJCE)
GPA: 9.46 out of 10.0

This course was where I started my deep dive into the world of Electronics and Communication. As part of the course, I did many projects like home automation, various types of robots like line followers and edge detectors, and wireless communication using various technologies like WIFI, BT, RF, and DTMF. There were 2 major projects which I did as part of my coursework here.

  • Device and method for analysis and detection of malocclusion. A patent application was filed before the Indian Patent Office for this project.
  • Drowsiness detection using EEG waves.

Extracurricular Activities

  • I was an active member of IEEE-SJCE, SJCE’s largest technical club.
  • I served as the chairperson and the secretary of EDS, a sub-branch of IEEE-SJCE and was responsible for the course content and teaching in the below activities. The main focus of these workshops was to educate our juniors on the practical aspects of electronics.
    • Vacation Project Mania: This was a 2-week workshop on the basics of analog electronics, microcontrollers, and embedded programming.
    • Robotics: This was a 4-day workshop on microcontrollers and building basic robots.
    • Soldering and Etching: This was a 2-day workshop on soldering, PCB design, and etching
  • I was also involved as a volunteer in the social activities of WIE, IEEE-SJCE.
12th standard
Sadvidya Composite Pre University College, Mysuru.
GPA: 95.17% --> This is evaluated as a percentage and not GPA

I scored 398/400 in the core subjects.

  • Physics: 100/100
  • Chemistry:100/100
  • Mathematics: 98/100
  • Electronics: 100/100
10th standard (SSLC)
CFTRI High School, Mysuru.
GPA: 97.6% --> This is evaluated as a percentage and not GPA

I scored 610/625

  • Mathematics: 100/100


Spot Award
This was awarded to me by Infineon in recognition of the excellent work done in Wi-Fi regulatory, CLM automation, and premium customer support across Wi-Fi embedded, firmware and hardware.
iHack 2020
I was part of a team that won third place in the blockchain track organized by Infineon as part of iHack 2020.
Academic excellence awards
I have been awarded many academic excellence awards for securing top ranks throughout my education.
I have secured many medals in swimming at the district level and even in Throwball. I still do swim whenever possible and this is a passion that still burns bright in me :)

Get in Touch

My inbox is always open. Whether you have a question or just want to say Namaskaara, please reach out and I will respond.